Conflict Resolution

Claim 1: People need to see each other as human beings in disagreements. I agree with this and I don’t really know how to explain why. Everybody deserves respect.

Claim 2: Finding shared values across a community divide can resolve conflict. I agree with this. The more people are together and share one vision, the more likely there will be less conflict.

Claim 3: Demands and retorts without understanding of the opposing side just polarizes communities. I agree. Close mindedness holds humanity from developing.

Claim 4: Everyone in the public must acknowledge the grey area in a topic and not just community leaders. I agree. Everybody should have a say in a topic that could be used for further development in a situation. By voicing your opinion, you’re helping others find a solution. This doesn’t mean being close minded, rather just having a say in something while also acknowledging the other side.

I honestly can’t think of the last debate I got into, so I’m just going to reference an argumentative essay I wrote in my sophomore year in high school. This was the debate about gun control. Nothing really offended me about any debate I’ve ever gotten into. This may stem from the fact that I absolutely hate politics and have no passion or interest in it whatsoever. The only thing that really upsets me doesn’t really offend me and that’s ignorance, or close mindedness. I most probably won’t get offended in any sort of debate, but I would be upset if my opposing side wasn’t listening to anything  I had to say and only cared about their opinion. That’s upsetting. When dealing with debates, I could spark up emotion if it’s a topic I’m actually interested in or passionate about, like CRISPR, but I like to treat it with more intellect instead. Facts don’t care about our feelings, and while it’s an unfortunate circumstance, it is a true statement. My understanding of conflict resolution starts with the base of open mindedness. The only way humanity will develop is through this as being close minded will only just keep us still.

One thought on “Conflict Resolution

  • November 8, 2020 at 5:59 pm

    “My understanding of conflict resolution starts with the base of open mindedness. The only way humanity will develop is through this as being close minded will only just keep us still.”
    Important insight for paper #3…
    What cultivates a sense of “open-mindedness”?
    Great post

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