Project Framing Statement

Alfred Romero 


Professor Frank 

LIL 420 

Project Framing Statement

As far as the presentation factor for this project, I feel as if this is the most comprehensive project I’ve completed throughout my coursework at UNE. This is interesting to me when I include the medical biology courses I’ve taken as well. Specifically in terms of humanities courses, it definitely takes a jump from previous works as it’s not only the most comprehensive project I’ve had within the humanities, but also the first ever actual real presentation (in a slideshow format). 

I chose this project as it served to be a continuation of a writing assignment I completed in a course called “Wisdom Literatures” I took my sophomore year in the fall semester. For this course specifically (LIL 420), the main capstone project had to be a revision of a former project or assignment. When deciding what route I’d pursue in terms of this, I ended up choosing to attempt to answer a question I didn’t answer in a former writing assignment I had. The main question in the “Book of Job” asked why the innocent had to suffer. Though I came to the conclusion that Job was wise for not answering back to God, I never actually answered this question, which led me to this project in the hopes of actually answering the question. 

After the project was completed, I mainly realized that not all questions are answerable. I was so used to doing work to get a result in the end, whether that be in my major courses in medical biology or my minor courses in the humanities. So, it was a major change to not actually have a definitive answer in this project, which shifted the way I processed information. I learned the concept of having a question open up an avenue to other questions or to just mainly serve to create a deeper understanding of the question itself, rather than having a question present just to expect an answer on the other side. 

These changes can be seen through my body paragraphs, but mainly my conclusion. It’s present in my body paragraphs as I struggle to find a definitive answer from the sources I used in trying to answer Job’s question. But these changes can really be seen in my conclusion where I state that none of the sources I used actually provided a definitive answer to Job’s question and that they served more of the purpose of enhancing an understanding of the question rather than answering it itself.
